Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Research article
05 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 05 Mar 2015

Temperature–salinity distribution in the northeastern Atlantic from ship and Argo vertical casts

I. Bashmachnikov, F. Neves, Â. Nascimento, J. Medeiros, I. Ambar, J. Dias, and X. Carton

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Approach: In situ Observations | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: Deep Seas: North Atlantic | Phenomena: Temperature, Salinity and Density Fields
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Cited articles

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Ambar, I., Serra, N., Neves, F., and Ferreira, T.: Observations of the Mediterranean Undercurrent and eddies in the Gulf of Cadiz during 2001, J. Marine Syst., 71, 195–220, 2008.
Arhan, M.: The North Atlantic Current and Subarctic Intermediate Water, J. Mar. Res., 48, 109–144, 1990.
Short summary
The present study defines new interpolation functions for hydrological data. These functions are applied to generate climatological maps of temperature-salinity distribution with a 25m depth interval and a 30km space interval (MEDTRANS data set). The MEDTRANS climatology gives more details of the distribution of water characteristics in the subtropical northeastern Atlantic than other alternative climatologies and is able to reproduce a number of dynamic features described in the literature.